I do have cute kid pictures.
Trev playing with a truck while helping at the barn. Molly told us she wanted to go to day camp the other day. With lots of baby pigs around there's a lot more work to do with them - so Jeff told her day camp was the pigs. She was good with it.
Lila and her favorite method for transporting "Playful". Amazingly enough he purrs while in this position. Trev did think the kitten needed a bath in the mud river they created this morning. More fun at pig day camp!
And Lila helping check the hay. Too bad it was sopping wet, brown & slimy. Oh well it dried out and is in a bale - and overall we came out with less of that lovely type of hay than a lot of neighbors.
Most of the fall production sale catalog is with API, 58 fall cows to go & one more litter of pigs, water is off for the year (hip-hip-yahoo!!), and fall marches on!